To provide the best-in-class service and ease of access for our customers, Prudential Indonesia provides the PRUaccess mobile application.
With PRUaccess mobile, customers can access various information and submit transaction through electronic submission regarding their policy, as follow:
1. Proposal Information:
Status of Proposal
Amount of Premium
Types of Fund and Investment
2. Policy Information:
Unit balance, Unit Value and Type of Investment Fund
Amount and Due Date of Premium
Status of Policy, Active or Inactive
Claim Information
Follow up information
Top-up Transaction
Fund Withdrawal transaction
3. e-Transaction
Single Premium Top-up
Switching & Redirection
Quit Premium Holiday
For further information, please contact Prudential Indonesia's Customer Relations Officer at 500085
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Untuk memberikan layanan terbaik di kelasnya dan kemudahan akses bagi pelanggan kami, Prudential Indonesia menyediakan aplikasi mobile PRUaccess.
Dengan PRUaccess ponsel, pelanggan dapat mengakses berbagai informasi dan mengirimkan transaksi melalui penyampaian elektronik tentang kebijakan mereka, sebagai berikut:
1. Informasi Proposal:
Status Proposal
Jumlah Premium
Jenis Dana dan Investasi
2. Informasi Kebijakan:
Saldo Unit, Nilai Unit dan Jenis Reksa Dana
Jumlah dan Jatuh Tempo Premi
Status Kebijakan, Aktif atau Nonaktif
Informasi Klaim
Menindaklanjuti informasi
Transaksi Top-up
Transaksi Penarikan Dana
3. e-Transaksi
Premi Tunggal Top-up
Switching & Redirection
Keluar Premium Liburan
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Pelanggan Relations Officer Prudential Indonesia pada 500.085</div> <div class="show-more-end">